expand your trading horizon
Capitol Trades — the best solution for trading Forex, Stocks and Crypto
Start TradingTrade Over 2300 Instruments with Capitol Trades
Trade and earn through exchanging national currencies
Buy or sell shares of an entity listed in the stock market
Buy or sell any digital currencies using CEX/DEX
Why Trade With Capitol Trades?
Investment Security
Your money is protected and payout of profit is guaranteed
Profitable Investment Proposals
You will always be offered only the best deals on market
Protection of Personal Data
Your personal information is securely protected at all times
Professional Team
Experienced team works day-by-day to make you earn money
Investment Package
Earn 10% Weekly
- 10% Weekly profit
- Unlimited Period
10% Weekly
No withdrawal of capital till after one month but Weekly withdrawal of profit .
- Deposit Back
Involves trading different national currencies against each
other in order to take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations.
10% profit made per week but only 5% pay out
It is a quick and volatile market, and its participants
can take advantage of short-term profits by making short-term trades.
Start Trading in 3 Easy Steps
Sign Up
Register now to gain access to all of our features
Make a Deposit
To start trading you have to deposit the required amount
Pick a Plan
Pick and choose an investment plan that suits you best