expand your trading horizon

Capitol Trades — the best solution for trading Forex, Stocks and Crypto

Start Trading

Trade Over 2300 Instruments with Capitol Trades

  • forex icon


    Trade and earn through exchanging national currencies

  • Phone messanger


    Buy or sell shares of an entity listed in the stock market

  • Crypto exchange


    Buy or sell any digital currencies using CEX/DEX

Why Trade With Capitol Trades?

  • Investment Security

    Your money is protected and payout of profit is guaranteed

  • Profitable Investment Proposals

    You will always be offered only the best deals on market

  • Protection of Personal Data

    Your personal information is securely protected at all times

  • Professional Team

    Experienced team works day-by-day to make you earn money

Investment Package

Earn 10% Weekly

Total return 10 % + Capital
  • 10% Weekly profit
  • Unlimited Period

10% Weekly

No withdrawal of capital till after one month but Weekly withdrawal of profit .

  • Deposit Back

Involves trading different national currencies against each other in order to take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations.

10% profit made per week but only 5% pay out

It is a quick and volatile market, and its participants can take advantage of short-term profits by making short-term trades.

Start Trading in 3 Easy Steps

  • Sign Up

    Register now to gain access to all of our features

  • Make a Deposit

    To start trading you have to deposit the required amount

  • Pick a Plan

    Pick and choose an investment plan that suits you best

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